Hambleton District Council has started work on the construction of a two-changing room pavilion at Sowerby Sports Village near Thirsk.
The pavilion is part of a £1.3m investment that includes the construction of a full size 3G football pitch and the development of grass football pitches.
After securing £511,912 from the Football Foundation, developer contributions and capital funding from the council, these football facilities are the cornerstone of the Sports Village development and will provide high quality facilities for the community to enjoy for many years to come.
The changing pavilion is set to be completed in early 2023 and between now and then, there may be times when its necessary to restrict access from the western entrance, but disruption will be kept to a minimum so people can continue to enjoy the facilities.
Hambleton District Council has also invested a further £250,000 into the existing all-weather pitch on the Thirsk School and Sixth Form College site.
New LED lighting to reduce the carbon footprint has been installed and works to replace the playing pitch surface will be complete by the end of August.
Leader of Hambleton District Council, Councillor Mark Robson said: “These are very exciting phases of the sports village development which will on completion give residents access to top class sports facilities on their doorstep.
“It’s great to think that our young people will have access to this excellent facility for many years to come, encouraging them to both enjoy and develop in sport. Who knows, we may even produce our very own Lioness or Olympian!
“Overall, this project is an integral part of the Sowerby Gateway development providing retail, residential, education, hospitality and employment opportunities to the area.
“This is just another step towards the overall aim of improving facilities, for this local community which is what Hambleton District Council is all about”
For more information on the project please visit: https://hambletondc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapJournal/index.html?appid=81594e510fa54cbea4e52347e279e945
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