A traffic warden was not assaulted during an incident in Northallerton last week, police say.
A photo of a traffic warden laid on the floor circulated on social media following an incident on the town’s High Street on Wednesday morning.
It was suggested the warden had been assaulted.
However, North Yorkshire Police have confirmed no assault took place in the incident near Yorkshire Trading.
A spokesperson said the traffic warden fell to the ground during a dispute with a motorist.
The traffic warden went around to check the rear of the vehicle and fell to the ground when he walked past the driver.
The spokesperson added: “He was taken to hospital for treatment.
“This was reported to the police as a concern for safety at 11.19am on Wednesday.
“This is not a police matter and the parking dispute rests between the driver and the council.”
Traffic wardens in Hambleton are employed by Scarborough Borough Council.
The authority has been approached for a comment but has not yet replied.
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