Hambleton Council has vowed to clampdown on motorists who “abuse” a town centre’s last free car park as part of an effort to improve access to sporting facilities.
The district council’s cabinet today approved the introduction of a three-hour limit on parking at the 60-space car park beside Thirsk Leisure Centre on Chapel Street and the extensive Flatts recreation area.
The move comes as £3.8m of works to overhaul the 30-year-old leisure centre continues, after council bosses said it had become “apparent that significant repairs are needed” alongside improvements to attract more users, such as the creation of a 300sq m gym and new fitness studios.
It also follows years of people voicing frustrations over arriving at the leisure centre or the Flatts shortly before lessons or matches are due to start to find the car park full or a queue to park.
Many locals believe the car park is used by residents of nearby properties which have limited or no parking spaces and by others travelling out of the area for the day.
Scarborough Council, which runs parking enforcement in the district, will now be asked to hand out fines to anyone caught parking at the leisure centre illegally after all other attempts had failed.
Cllr Isobel Sanderson, the portfolio holder for Governance told the meeting: “Historically the car park was free, with no time restrictions and it was naturally open to some abuse with cars being parked all day by those not using the leisure center or the foot walking on the Flatts area.
“Voluntary measures over the years have been put in place. They have tried barriers, they have tried all sorts of different arrangements but nothing has been successful because it was not enforceable and people soon cottoned on to the fact that it was not enforceable and have not seen reason.
“Hence the need for a formal carpark amendment order, and this is supported by Thirsk and Sowerby Swimming Baths Charity.
“The order, as written, allows for continued free parking but limits the term available to three hours at any one time.
“So even the slowest of people who are using the leisure facilities should find that quite an adequate amount of time to go out and use the facilities.”
A report presented to the cabinet said that parking at the site should continue to be free to ensure no cost to leisure centre customers and visitors to the Flatts.
The cabinet approved the change to the car park.
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