Residents in Stokesley are being invited to take part in a community action day to help make the town a better place to live.
North Yorkshire Police is working with Broadacres Housing Association to offer advice about everything from crime prevention advice to action against antisocial behaviour.
They are also urging residents to share their views, which will help shape how services are delivered in the town and surrounding areas over the next 12 months.
Police and other organisations will also be taking part in high-visibility walk arounds, visits to residents, drop-in sessions.
Services on offer to residents include:
- A chance for residents to meet their police teams and others who provide local services, and talk about issues affecting them.
- Crime prevention advice and advice on how the community can help police address antisocial behaviour.
- Wellbeing visits to vulnerable residents, including those who may find it harder to attend the event in person.
- A tidy-up of estates, with skips provided by Broadacres.
- Advice on warm space initiatives, to help cut the cost of heating your home.
- Financial advice available in Stokesley Town Hall.
- Free refreshments are available throughout the day to anyone visiting the event.
Organisations taking part in day include North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, Stokesley Town Council, Citizens Advice, Stokesley District Community Care, Trading Standards, Age UK, MIND, Carers Plus and Stokesley Library, as well as North Yorkshire Police and Broadacres.
Inspector Sarah Tait, of the Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “The event, called ’Bringing the services to the heart of your community’, is a day that nobody else has done and is going to be a large event.
“We’ve got involved based on feedback from the community – we want to listen to what residents are saying and be able to give them guidance and support to access the services they need, including the most vulnerable in the community.
“The day is about building community relationships, making a positive difference and gaining further insights into what matters to the people of Stokesley.
“Our commitment is that the feedback from residents will then influence our services and priorities over the next 12 months.”
The event takes place at venues across the town on Thursday, 8 September, between noon and 6pm.
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