The A684 has reopened at Morton-on-Swale after being closed this morning due to flooding.
A number of cars became stuck in the food water from the nearby River Swale.
A flood alert has been issued for the lower Rive Swale.
It states: “River levels on the River Swale continue to rise as a result of heavy rainfall.
Consequently, flooding of low-lying roads and farmland is possible throughout today, Sunday and into Monday.
“Areas most at risk are low lying land and roads around the Maunby area.
“The level at Maunby is peaking now at 6am and will begin to fall slowly later this morning. Levels downstream at Crakehill will continue to rise slowly until this evening.
“Our incident response staff are closely monitoring the forecast. Please avoid using low lying footpaths near local watercourses.”
Motorists have been urged not attempt driving through flood water after a number of incidents across the county of vehicles getting stuck.
This is a shouty Tweet. Can people please STOP DRIVING THROUGH FLOODED ROADS? #yorkshiredales @NorthYorksFire
— Viv Horton (@VivKHorton) March 16, 2019
To keep updated on flood alerts and warning click here.
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