Protesters released after pooing in Rishi Sunak’s lake

A protester enters the lake at Rishi Sunak's North Yorkshire home. Photo: Youth Demand.

Four men arrested after entering the grounds of Rishi Sunak’s North Yorkshire home have been released.

It has since emerged that one of the protesters apparently had a poo in the lake at the property in Kirby Sigston, near Northallerton.

It is understood the four men were from the campaign group Youth Demand.

The group said in a statement: “As a thank you and a parting gift to Rishi Sunak and the Tories for the last 14 years of service, a Youth Demand supporter has sunk the Bismarck in Rishi Sunak’s lake.

“Youth Demand is a campaign calling for a two-way arms embargo on Israel and for the incoming UK government to revoke all new oil and gas licences granted since 2021.”

It added: “At around 12:50 pm, Oliver, 21, a student from Manchester visited Rishi Sunak’s North Yorkshire mansion and murdered a brown snake in the multi-millionaire’s lake, whilst wearing a shirt emblazoned with ‘Eat Shit Rishi’.”

A protestor appears to have a poo in Rishi Sunak’s lake. Photo: Youth Demand.


A spokesperson for North Yorkshire Police said: “Four men who were arrested on suspicion of aggravated trespass in the grounds of the Prime Minister’s constituency home in Kirby Sigston on Tuesday have been released on conditional police bail to allow for further enquiries.

“The investigation remains ongoing.”

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