Police have issued a security alert to quad bike owners following the theft from the Castleton area yesterday.
Officers believe a stolen Honda quad was moved across the moors towards the Cleveland border following the theft, which happened between 1.30am and 2.30am on Monday.
It was taken from a garage in a property near New Road.
A spokesperson for North Yorkshire Polic said: “As part of our investigation, we’re appealing for any sightings of the red and black quad or two men acting suspiciously in the area at the time.
“We are also appealing for any CCTV or dashcam footage showing the vehicle moving through the area between Castleton and Great Ayton or Cleveland in the early hours of the morning.”
Police say they have made a number of arrests for quad bike thefts in recent months, including three men who were taken into custody after officers tracked down a stolen Honda quad from the Whitby area.
PC Scott Sunderland, based in Whitby, said: “Off-road vehicle security starts with the building it’s stored in. So if you can keep it padlocked, well lit and covered by CCTV it massively deters thieves from even trying.
“Immobilisers are a great preventative measure, and fitting a quad bike tracker helps us recover vehicles quickly if the worst happens. An increasing number of farms are using these, and they are very effective. They’ve helped us reunite a number of owners with their stolen quads.
“When we recover quads, it’s always useful if we know specific details, such as the serial number and any identifying marks or features. So take a quick photo of these and store it somewhere safe.”
If you have any information about the theft police are currently investigating in Castleton, email PC390 Scott Sunderland on scott.sunderland@northyorkshire.police.uk
Alternatively, you can call North Yorkshire Police on 101 or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their website.
Please quote reference 12250047315 when passing on information.
If you see a quad bike on public roads and feel like something is suspicious, please call us on 101 to report it. Always call 999 if you see a theft in progress.
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