A Hambleton parish council has underlined its road safety concerns near a primary school over a housing development that was rejected by local planners before being approved on appeal by government inspectors.
Brafferton and Helperby Parish Council has issued the warning to Hambleton District Council’s planning committee ahead of it considering details of Brafferton Manor Farmers’ plans for 28 homes off Boroughbridge Road.
In a report to Thursday’s meeting, planning officers have emphasised as the principle of the development of the site has been set by the appeal decision, matters for consideration include the proportion of affordable housing and housing mix on the site, and issues such as design and flood risk.
It states the development on the fringe of the village must feature 50 per cent affordable housing, 70 per cent of which would be provided for social rent.
The latest proposals for the development also show a main access road to adoptable standard off Boroughbridge Road, which splits within the
site to provide access to the southern boundary.
The report states: “An area of green space, including the roadside trees, has been left to provide considerable setback from Boroughbridge Road.”
Despite the principle of developing the site and its access being set by the appeal, both residents and the parish council have restated their concerns over the estate’s entrance on to a section of Boroughbridge Road close to a blind S-shaped bend.
Objecting to the plans, a parish spokesman said residents had reported a proportion of traffic decelerating late as they enter and accelerating early as they leave the village and said there was “a growing need for a chicane”.
He said: “The council remains convinced that the location of the site entrance is badly chosen as it is close to a double bend with poor sight lines.
“In the same area consideration is needed to provide safe crossing into St Peter’s Close where pedestrians with young children will wish to route between the site and St Peter’s Primary School.”
In response to the concerns, North Yorkshire County Council’s highways department said visibility from the proposed site access met national guidelines.
It said the Boroughbridge Road in the are ranged in width from 6.5m to 5.5m which was sufficient for two large vehicles to pass, so it would not be appropriate to introduce a priority traffic system as the parish council had called for.
Recommending the proposals be approved, planning officers said the proposal “would not have an unacceptable impact on highway safety”.
They said although the development would have “a slightly cramped layout”, particularly in a relatively rural location close to a conservation area, any identified harm would be adequately offset by public benefits of the estate, particularly through the provision of affordable housing.
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