A Northallerton bar has lost an appeal to keep an outdoor terrace build at the rear of the premises.
Zoo Bar in Northallerton High Street had a retrospective planning application for the first floor terrace with privacy screening refused last year by Hambleton District Council.
The owners appealed to the Government’s planning inspectorate over the decision.
However, they have now backed the council’s view and rejected the appeal.
The council rejected the application amid concerns about the effect of the development on nearby residents with particular regard to noise and privacy.
Council officials also voiced concerns that the development site was at an unacceptable risk from flooding.
The planning inspector agreed that was insufficient evidence to demonstrate that the development would be suitably resistant to flooding.
They said they also shared the council’s concerns that the terrace would be detrimental to the living conditions of local residents.
The report said: “I understand that the appellant has invested significantly in the bar, including with facilities and security.
“In light of the economic recovery from the pandemic, I understand the desire to improve the offering to customers in order to compete with other businesses in the area.
“However, while these would weigh in favour of the scheme, I must balance this against the harm I have identified.
“As such, while the benefits to the appellant and their business are acknowledged, they do not outweigh the harm in this instance.”
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