North Yorkshire Police urges residents to crime-proof their garden

Residents are being urged not to hedge their bets with burglars by taking advantage of good weather to crime-proof their garden.

Police are encouraging people to put off opportunistic thieves by cutting back hedges so the front of their house stays visible.

This makes it harder for criminals to break in unnoticed.

They are also sharing some “defensive planting” tips, including varieties of shrubs that form a natural barrier.

PCSO Nicole Randall said: “You’d think that it would be best to hide your property, to keep it hidden from prying eyes behind overgrown bushes, high fences or walls.

“However, all this does is make it easier for a burglar to get close to a home unnoticed.

“So, keep your trees and shrubs cut back so they don’t provide hiding places for thieves.”

She also recommended reviewing security at the sides and rear of your home.

Planting dense or spikey shrubs such as Berberis, Poncirus, Pyracantha (aka firethorns), Ribes or (aka flowering currant plants), climbing roses, privet hedging, or Laurel can look pretty while making it harder for criminals to access your garden – a technique known as “defensive planting” or “defensive gardening”.

Putting them close together gives even better protection.

North Yorkshire Police says its patrols will be carrying out burglary prevention patrols in communities across the county.

If you see a crime in progress, ring us on 999 immediately. If you see any suspicious behaviour, you’re not wasting our time, please call 101. If the crime has already happened and the suspect has gone, call 101 or report online.

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