Details of a new primary school to serve new housing in Northallerton have been revealed.
North Yorkshire County Council has confirmed that Dales Academies Trust will operate the proposed new school to serve the North Northallerton development area after approval by the regional schools commissioner.
The county council held a public consultation last autumn on its proposal to establish a one-form entry mainstream primary school to serve the new housing development.
The council also secured planning permission for the school buildings and the wider school site.
This was followed by a competitive process over recent months to select an academy sponsor, which drew interest and applications from a number of multi-academy trusts.
The announcement of Dales as the successful trust coincides with confirmation that the target opening date for the new school has been revised to September 2023.
County Councillor Patrick Mulligan, North Yorkshire’s executive member for education and skills, said: “We are pleased to have secured a successful outcome to the competitive process and we look forward to working in partnership with Dales Academies Trust to plan and deliver this exciting new provision for Northallerton.
“Due to circumstances beyond our control the target opening date has been delayed beyond the original September 2022 target.
“During the uncertainty of the past year we always knew delay was a possibility and have communicated closely with all stakeholders throughout the process.”
Damian Chubb, chief executive of the Dales Trust, said: “We are delighted to have been named as sponsors for the new school and look forward to working with the county council and the local community in establishing this provision for the children of North Northallerton.
“We will keep everyone up to date with developments as we progress towards the opening in 2023 and the school becoming a part of our trust which currently comprises one secondary and thirteen primary schools.
Bishop Paul Ferguson, chair of Dales added “It’s wonderful news that there will be a Church of England Primary Academy set in the growing North Northallerton estate.
“As well as offering parents the choice of a church school education, we look forward to the school being at the heart of this new community.”
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