East Cowton’s village hall has recently been awarded a £3,220 from Hambleton District Council’s Making a Difference Grant, allowing them to replace their old chairs and invest in some new storage space for the seating.
The village hall hosts regular meetings, activities and a Friday afternoon pop up cafe, and while the plan is to eventually build a new hall they have been steadily making improvements where they can.
Peter Bell secretary of the village hall association said: “Purchasing transferable equipment beforehand will be a great benefit for our new-build as well as for our present needs.
“Better seating will improve comfort and posture as well as being easier for people to handle and the new racking and storage will free up space in the hall, giving us the opportunity to deliver a larger range of activities when we are able to re-use the hall.
“We are grateful to the council for the grant and helping us improve an important asset for the village.”
Cash for the Making a Difference scheme comes from ongoing cost savings that councillors are reinvesting into the local community.
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