Mum of car crash victim announces fundraising initiatives in son’s memory

Aaron Bell.

The mother of a young man who lost his life in a car crash has announced plans for two fundraising initiatives to coincide with what should have been her son’s 21st birthday.

Aaron Bell died along with two friends in a collision between Bedale and Masham in July 2022. Aaron was just 18 when he died.

The driver of the vehicle was later jailed for causing death by dangerous driving.

Now, Aaron’s mother Nicola Bell-Percy has announced plans for a weekend of fundraising on what should have been her son’s 21st birthday.

More than 200 people are expected at a black tie ball at the Pavilions at Harrogate on Saturday, September 7.

A raffle will be drawn on the night, while an online auction has also been launched with bids including weekends away, tractor driving experiences and sheep shearing services.

A team of 15 family and friends including Aaron’s little brother Luke and his mum and dad are also running the 5k event in Masham which is being held as part of the Long Course Weekend on Sunday, September 8- the day Aaron should have been celebrating his 21st birthday.

You can sponsor the team here.


Money raised from the fundraising will be shared between the road safety charity Brake and the Yorkshire Air Ambulance Service.

Small donations will also be made to Wensleydale RUFC and North Stainley Cricket Club, whose junior and senior teams Aaron played for.

Nicola said: “Our son was one of three teenage boys who tragically lost their lives as a consequence of the irresponsible and reckless actions of the driver of the vehicle in which they were passengers.

“Aaron was 18 at the time and it was always the family’s intention to celebrate his 21st.”

She added: “Our chosen charities are the Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Brake. The air ambulance flew out that night but tragically wasn’t needed.  Living in a rural community the air ambulance is important to all of us and we never know when we may need it.

“Brake is the charity that supports road traffic victims and has supported Aarons family after their tragic loss.”

This week, Nicola is due to meet with Richmond and Northallerton MP Rishi Sunak to discuss her experiences with the justice system and ask for his help to make changes.

She said: “I never knew that the criminal justice system in this country was so poor from a victim’s perspective. I don’t think anybody does until you find yourself in the position of being powerlessly trapped inside it.

“It is slow, bureaucratic, under-resourced and takes little heed of the needs of a bereaved family. Rather than serving vulnerable and traumatised people, it exacerbates their hurt and anguish.”

Nicola is also supporting Brake’s calls for a graduated driving licence to be introduced, which would limit the power of cars being driven by new drivers.

“The driver in my son’s case was permitted to drive a powerful 2000cc Alfa Romeo motor car without any restrictions which from any objective perspective seems ridiculous.

“This isn’t about inhibiting freedoms, it’s about saving young lives,” Nicola added.

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