Land art competition launched for 2019 Tour de Yorkshire

Last year’s winning Confetti Land Art at Wentworth Woodhouse.

Schools, community groups, businesses, landowners and farmers are being encouraged to think big and get creative to showcase Yorkshire to the world with huge pieces of land art to celebrate this year’s Tour de Yorkshire.

Entries are now open for the fourth Tour de Yorkshire Land Art competition, which recognises the efforts of those who create the many brilliant art works which are seen lining the route of the race each year.

The pieces are now a key part of the race with images of the many dramatic creations beamed around the world to millions of viewers as the peloton winds its way through the county’s spectacular scenery.

And once again, people are being encouraged to attract the cameras by turning fields, hills, market squares, building roofs or even car parks into unique pieces that celebrate their local communities.

Hundreds of art works have wowed the crowds since the competition started in 2016 with last year’s winning Confetti Land Art at Wentworth Woodhouse even being featured in a piece on BBC’s The One Show.

A new and improved online entry process has been launched this year, making it even simpler to get involved and keep the organisers Welcome to Yorkshire, updated.

Full details of how to enter can be found here

After the race – which runs from May 2 to 5, a shortlist of the best entries will be drawn up by a Tour de Yorkshire panel of judges and the public will then be able to vote for their favourite.

The winner will take home the Lining the Route Land Art Trophy.

Sir Gary Verity DL, chief executive of Welcome to Yorkshire said: “The people of Yorkshire do us proud each year with the effort they make with their land art and last year their hard work was shown off to 12.5 million TV viewers around the world.

“I always say the Tour de Yorkshire is so much more than a bike race and this a perfect example of how it can bring people together to celebrate their communities. I can’t wait to see the creations entered into this year’s competition.”

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