Kiplin hosts celebration for carers

Parent carers take a walk in the grounds at Kiplin.

Kiplin Hall and Gardens has hosted a celebration event for carers in the area with local charity POSCH.

POSCH stands for Parents and Carers of Special Children.

They are a small charity supporting families of children with additional and special needs who live in the Hambleton, Richmondshire and the surrounding areas.

The event was supported by North Yorkshire Council.

Julie Blakey, a trustee at POSCH and a parent carer volunteer, said: “Parent carers are often forgotten about and many parents actually do not see themselves as carers. Being a parent is seen as their duty.

“But having children with extra needs takes parenting to another level, making us carers too. That’s why it is so important that we recognise all the hard work of each and every one of them and give them the opportunity to have a break and a bit of time for themselves, even if it is just for a few hours.

“Being a parent carer can be very demanding, I know as I am one too. We do not always think about our needs as we are often so focused on getting the right care, support and education for our children.

POSCH exists to bring parent carers together to support one another in a safe end friendly environment; signpost to services and other support agencies, offer appropriate training and information opportunities, as well as a range of fun and relaxing activities providing that much needed ‘me time’.

Plans are underway for more support being launched in the autumn, focusing on the wellbeing of parent carers on themes like nutrition, activity, and emotional wellbeing.

You can find out more about POSCH at

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