A Hambleton primary school has closed temporarily due to Covid-19.
Brompton Community Primary School announced yesterday that it had taken the decision to shut, after previously sending home three year groups due to a positive test in their bubbles.
The school posted on its Facebook page: “A decision to close the school with the safety of the children and staff in mind has now been taken.
“We have collected all pupils’ possessions from the classrooms, and ask that parents/carers collect them from the school entrance.”
The school had announced on Saturday that it had sent year 1, 4 and 5 pupils and staff home due to there being a positive test within their year group bubble.
Headteacher Jane Byrne said in a post on social media: “It has been with a heavy heart that we have recently had to send our Year 1, Year 4 and Year 5 pupils and staff home due to there being a positive test of COVID-19 within their year group bubble.
“Following Government guidelines, the children and staff must stay at home and indoors for 14 days.”
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