Hambleton District Council’s environmental health team has dealt with more than 200 complaints and questions about lockdown rules.
Officers are responsible for monitoring operations by local businesses to ensure coronavirus regulations are being followed.
Officers have been working seven days a week to monitor business closures and provide advice to those able to convert to takeaway and delivery services for meals and food.
They have contacted bed and breakfast establishments and caravan sites to check on compliance.
“Overall food businesses and caravan sites are complying with the regulations and staying closed,” said Paul Staines, director of environment.
“Some pubs are doing takeaway food to keep their businesses going a little and also to provide a service to their communities.
“The arrangements for providing takeaways are generally good and suitable control measures are in place to prevent the spread of infection.
“But in the light of the changes to restrictions imposed this week – giving people more freedom to travel for exercise, officers will be carrying out monitoring of the district and continuing to respond to complaints and enquiries.
“Although really good compliance has been found, businesses are urged to continue to comply and although it has not been necessary to take any formal action, officers will take action if breaches are found and businesses owners will be prosecuted if necessary.”
Contact the Environmental Health service on 01609 767138 or ehts@hambleton.goc.uk for advice to report an issue.
Officers have been are working with Trading Standards colleagues from North Yorkshire County Council and North Yorkshire Police
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