Broadacres Housing Association is appealing for community groups to apply for grants of up to £500.
The association’s community development fund awards are agreed by a panel of tenants every three months.
In June, the group agreed funding of almost £2,500.
This went towards a range of projects, from a new boxing club ring in Northallerton to a donation towards a sports club’s extension in Bedale.
Gill Davies, customer insight officer, who manages the fund said: “It has been really tough during the pandemic for volunteers to maintain their local community groups.
“Let alone considering setting up a new project.
“Even the most successful, long standing groups have struggled with the loss of their usual, social fundraising which has led them to apply to funds like ours.
“As demand has increased, thankfully Broadacres have also increased our budget for the year to £14,000”.
If you are thinking about making an application, check the funding conditions here https://www.broadacres.org.uk/customer-area/getting-involved/community-development-fund where you can also make an online application.
The cut off for the next round of applications is Monday, August 30.
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