Grant ensures children from all backgrounds can play football

A grant from Broadacres is ensuring children from all backgrounds can play football.

Volunteers at Brompton Juniors Football Club have long provided free sessions for children from low income or disadvantaged backgrounds but providing playing gear can still pose a challenge.

“Like most things recently, the price of football boots and shinpads has shot up and though we do recycle kit, children can feel embarrassed if they are always relying on hand me downs,” said Club Chairman Jonathan Smedley.

“This very welcome grant from Broadacres has helped us provide playing gear for children from a range of backgrounds to ensure they feel part of the team.”

As well as allowing children from disadvantaged backgrounds and low-income families to participate, the club’s welcome all approach has also helped asylum seekers and refugees from Nigeria, Syria, Slovakia and Afghanistan play the beautiful game.

The club has found that it’s often someone already at the club who befriends a new child at school and brings them along for the first time.

“They may not speak the language well and their parents can be concerned that they cannot afford the subscription. It’s good to be able to re-assure them that finance is no barrier to participation,” said Jonathan. “Football is a universal language, it’s a great way of helping children to integrate and at least for a while to take their mind off any worries.”

The club welcome enquiries for support towards fees and football clothing and gear, if you would like to know more please contact the club in confidence via the FB page or email address

The Broadacres Community Development Fund supports local organisations, groups, and projects in areas where Broadacres has homes. All grants are approved by the Association’s own residents.

To apply for a grant visit

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