Residents in Hambleton have been benefitting from a council scheme that helps eligible householders receive a free central heating system to reduce their fuel bills and improve the warmth of their home.
Hambleton District Council is working alongside North Yorkshire County Council and have installed systems in 14 households in the area so far.
Homeowners and private renting tenants currently using inefficient storage heaters, room heaters or fires could get an A-rated gas-powered central heating system installed in their home at no cost.
To qualify for the funding, each resident must either be in receipt of certain state benefits or have a household income below £21,000 and live in a property that is hard to heat.
Householders with certain health conditions that make them vulnerable to the effects of living in a cold home could also receive support.
Peter Benson, a 62-year-old Thirsk resident, benefitted from the scheme by receiving a brand new central heating system, having previously only relied on an open fire in the living room.
Peter explained: “I was so happy when I found out it was fully funded because I’d never had central heating in my life, I was made up.
“I’m a self-employed fencer and get work when I can, I’m only a low earner.
“I used to sit in front of my fire to get warm after work but the house would still be freezing. It’s an old house and it got very cold.”
“Now I can come home, switch the heating on and make my tea. I keep the controls with me as well, I love it.”
Funding for the North Yorkshire scheme is secured from the Warm Homes Fund – an innovative funding stream established by National Grid and administered by Affordable Warmth Solutions to help make households in Great Britain warmer, healthier and cheaper to heat.
Hambleton District Council is also providing match funding to support installations in the area, and there are separate grants available to help connect homes to the mains gas network.
Cllr Mark Robson, Leader of Hambleton District Council, said: “With the scheme having great success in helping households across Hambleton so far, we are thrilled to be able to continue to offer the scheme”
“A-rated central heating helps makes fuel bills more affordable for residents by saving energy and reducing carbon emissions.”
Award winning community interest company YES Energy Solutions is managing the scheme on behalf of the council, and installs are completed by their industry accredited contractors.
Residents who are interested in the opportunity are advised to call YES Energy Solutions on 01422 880100.
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