Extra care scheme staff and residents create poppy Remembrance display

Karen Bradley, a cleaner at The Orchards, with Broadacres’ electrician Steve Chandler among the poppies.

Staff and residents at a Hambleton extra care housing scheme have paid their own respects to those who made the ultimate sacrifice.

In readiness for Remembrance Day, the Broadacres-run The Orchards in Brompton, near Northallerton, put together a lovely display of poppies outside the scheme.

The poppies have been knitted by residents at The Orchards, other Broadacres residents in the surrounding area and staff at both Broadcares and North Yorkshire Council Council, who provide the care at the scheme.

With the help of some camouflage netting donated by Catterick Garrison, the poppies were trailed from a balcony at the corner of the building down to the floor, creating a very fitting display.

The Orchards Manager Rowena Langdale said: “We pay our respects each year and previously we have had a display in the foyer inside The Orchards.

“This was not possible this year due to Covid-19 so we decided to do the display outside so even more people can see and enjoy it.

“It’s come out so well that we now intend to do this every year because it means the whole community can get involved and pay their respects.”

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