Elderly whippet rescued from beck

Photo: Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain Rescue Team.

Volunteer rescuers came to the aid of an elderly whippet who had fallen into a beck at the weekend.

Members of Scarborough and Ryedale Mountain Rescue Team were called out after Millie got stuck in the stream and was unable to get out.

The incident happened at Carlton Husthwaite, between Thirsk and Easingwold.

The sides of the beck were also too steep for the walker to rescue the dog.

A spokesperson for SRMRT said: “Once on scene we quickly recovered Millie the whippet, unharmed, from the beck and reunited her with her owner before walking them back to their car in the dark.

“We are pleased to see that Millie was still proudly wearing a poppy for Remembrance Sunday after her adventure.”

A total of 15 team members were deployed for two hours on the rescue.

The team later received a thank you from the dog’s owner.

The owner said: “Thank you to everyone involved in rescuing my whippet from the beck today.

“I am so grateful to you for giving up your time to help.

“She is very precious to me and I don’t know what I would have done without you.

“She’s now safely sleeping in her basket and apart from being a bit smelly seems to be no worse off for her ordeal.” 

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