Easingwold bistro plan approved after disorder fears dismissed

Easingwold village green. Photo: Andy Beecroft.

A plan to serve alcohol and stage live music at a former police station close to residential properties has been approved after the entrepreneur behind the venture dismissed suggestions he would open a pub.

Kevin Renton, who has previously run a pub in Micklegate in York, told Hambleton District Council’s licensing committee objections to his ambition to launch a bistro in Easingwold’s Market Place appeared to have been fuelled by a “local misunderstanding” that he planned to open “some kind of wine bar with loud music”.

The meeting heard some residents had expressed concerns the proposal would create noise, disorder and parking issues in the Market Place.

One resident wrote to the licensing committee to object stating a business where late-night music was played was not compatible with homes in the area.

He added his concerns were heightened “as there are residential properties and gardens in the immediate vicinity, a service yard with the inevitable opportunities that stored rubbish and materials present to persons who possibly are not in control of all their faculties.”

However, the meeting heard following consultation with North Yorkshire Police Mr Renton had committed to numerous measures, including installing CCTV.

Councillors were told the measure would stop “highly undesirable” drug-taking and antisocial behaviour in a service yard behind the premises and the venture had received a significant amount of support from residents.

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