Plans by a discount store to open a new branch in a former Barclays Bank are set to be rejected.
Officers have recommended that Yorkshire Trading Company’s proposal for the building in Thirsk Market Place should be refused when councillors meet next week.
The scheme would see the existing former bank and a new 545 square metre extension at the rear of the building used by the store, with two flats created on the first floor.
While Thirsk Town Council support the redevelopment, Historic England said it was worried the scheme would harm the local conservation area.
Case officer Connor Harrison said in a report to members that the scheme would create 18 full-time jobs and bring a redundant building back into use.
However, he agreed that it would harm the conservation area and “largely obliterate” the well-defined historic burgage plot on which the property stood.
The officer said this allowed for an understanding of the mediaeval origins of Thirsk and how this has shaped subsequent development within the town.
Recommending the scheme is rejected, Mr Harrison said: “The proposed development would result in less than substantial harm to the character, appearance and significance of the Thirsk and Sowerby Conservation Area through the introduction of forms of development which are inappropriate in scale and massing.
“Further, the mediaeval burgage plot which constitutes the broader site would be totally obscured, negatively impacting the legibility of the historical planform.”
Supporting documents submitted with the planning application state: “The proposal will help to support the existing community by providing a wide range of goods within the town centre, reducing the need to travel.
“A range of good job opportunities will be provided. The scheme will protect the existing Market Place frontage, and its contribution to the conservation area.
“The existing building will be re-used and the underused rear section of the site will be brought into use to the benefit of the town and the community.”
Thirsk and Malton area planning committee is due to discuss the application on Thursday next week.
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