Compromise over North Yorkshire councillor numbers pushed forward

A full meeting of North Yorkshire Council. Picture: LDRS.

A compromise solution to creating fairer democratic representation in North Yorkshire has been pushed forward amid concerns it will see some urban communities split and some councillors handed rural areas so large they are impossible to cover.

North Yorkshire Council’s executive heard a working group created to review the number of elected representatives on the authority had been divided between calls to cut the number of politicians to 72 and raising their number to more than 100.

Ahead of the executive unanimously forwarding a recommendation of 89 councillors a cross-party working group had reached, corporate services executive member Councillor Heather Phillips told the meeting: “This figure was not plucked out of the air. There was a lot of discussion before it.”

The decision over the number of councillors on the authority is being viewed as key to the future working of the council and will be debated at a full meeting of the authority later this month, before being sent to the Boundary Commission for approval.

Due to wide variations in the number of electors in each division when the boundaries were set up using district wards in 2021, keeping a similar number of councillors will mean some rural divisions being significantly expanded and some urban areas seeing divisions reduced in geography.

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