The Safer Hambleton Hub and partner organisations are showing their support for National Hate Crime Awareness Week with the production of a new community safety booklet.
Under the banner Enjoy Hambleton Safely, the booklet aims to provide residents with information and advice from a whole host of agencies including the police and fire services to help them stay safe and improve their health and wellbeing.
Included in the document is a special section on Dealing with Hate Crime with information on what it is, how to report it and how to get help. There are also sections on staying well, mental health, dementia, isolation, drug and alcohol recovery service, housing options as well as a list of useful contacts.
Leader of Hambleton District Council, Councillor Mark Robson said: “Working with other agencies to keep our residents safe and secure is core to the work of the Safer Hambleton Hub.
“We thought that Hate Crime Awareness week was the primetime to show our support for this hidden yet deeply damaging form of crime with the production of our new booklet.
“Our officers have worked hard to ensure the information provided is correct and hope our residents will find it both helpful and informative.”
- The purpose of the Hate Crime Awareness Week is to tackle Hate Crime issues by raising awareness of what Hate Crime is and how to respond to it, encourage reporting, and promote local support services and resources.
Copies of the booklet will be distributed to various agencies across Hambleton or available from communities@hambleton.gov.uk
or online at https://www.hambleton.gov.uk/communitysafetybooklet
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