Britain’s ‘favourite pub landlord’ has given his blessing to a North Yorkshire beer festival.
The character devised by comedian Al Murray called at Danby Wiske Village Hall to check out the preparations for the fifth Danby Wiske Yorkshire Beer Festival held this weekend.
Festival chairman Adrian Farmer assumed the persona of the favourite comedy character The Pub Landlord to declare: “This will be our biggest and best festival yet.
“It’s no-nonsense – just great beers from around this great county.”
The festival is organised by the village hall committee to raise funds for the hall. The event is held over two days on Friday, April 19, and Saturday, April 20.
The festival will feature more than 20 cask beers, two lagers and three ciders from 20 local Yorkshire breweries. There will also be a range of gins, wine and prosecco plus some low-alcohol bottled beers.
Mr Farmer said: “We think our festival punches above its weight. We are a small village but the reputation of the festival is now attracting beer aficionados from far and wide keen to sample the very best of Yorkshire brewing.”
Hot food will be available throughout the weekend and on Saturday there will also be live music from Emma Dove, Tom Thorne, Beth Horner, No Direction and the Wiskey Band.
The festival is held in the village hall from 5-11pm on the Friday and from noon to 11pm on Saturday.
Entry is £4 on Friday and £6 on Saturday which includes a commemorative glass (while stocks last) and a programme.
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