Local Lib Dems quiz Rishi Sunak on No 10 parties

Rishi Sunak receives his flu vaccination from superintendent pharmacist Peter Horrocks in 2020.

Richmondshire Liberal Democrats say they are “disappointed” Rishi Sunak has not responded to a question on whether he attended parties at 10 Downing Street.

Philip Wicks, chair of Richmond (Yorks) Liberal Democrats, wrote to the MP and Chancellor asking whether the MP was present at a social gathering on December 18, 2020 or any other during lockdown.

He also asked whether, given his apartment is next door, the Chancellor was aware of any other social gathering in the building during lockdown.

The letter added: “Along with the rest of the nation, I have been listening with growing disbelief to the revelations about Downing Street parties which reportedly took place during the first lockdown. It’s clear from speaking to fellow Richmond residents that the level of anger on
this issue is both intense and widespread.

“As Richmond’s representative in parliament and, given your central position in the inner circle of this Conservative government, I am therefore writing to get your perspective.

“Out of respect for the thousands of people who died alone and for all those who were unable to comfort loved ones in their final moments, can I please request clear and straight answers to these questions.”

However, Mr Wicks aid he had not received a reply, adding: “Given the serious nature of the parties in Downing Street, it is disappointing that I have not received a reply to this letter after six weeks.

“these are reasonable questions and I can only wonder why Mr Sunak is failing to supply any answers. Perhaps he is waiting for Sue Gray to provide them for him.”

The MP’s Richmond constituency office declined to comment this morning.

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