A former councillor has challenged Hambleton District Council to prosecute him for parking overnight at an industrial estate, saying its ban on doing so is “unenforceable”.
Andy Strangeway, who lost his seat on East Riding of Yorkshire Council last month by 14 votes, said he remained committed to “ensuring the law is always respected” and Hambleton District Council’s public space protection order at Leeming Bar, near Bedale, was “not worth the paper it was printed on”.
The council has erected signs around the industrial estate area warning of £100 fines or up to £1,000 if prosecuted in court, to anyone found parking overnight to tackle anti-social behaviour.
A council spokesman said: “Unfortunately issues such as littering, early morning engine noise and refrigeration noises throughout the night, as well as damage and road safety concerns, have affected the area and are having a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those who live and work in the locality.”
Councillors have previously said one of the most common complaints they have received relate to the industrial estate being used as an “open toilet”.
Mr Strangeway said he had been astonished by the order as it left lorry drivers with nowhere to legally park as there was a deficit of lorry parks in the area and therefore it could affect the local economy. He added morning engines noise should not be considered to be anti-social on an industrial estate.
He said: “I see no reason why any of the businesses have an issue with this. So why are Hambleton focused on making criminals out of the truckers for carrying out the duties they are employed to do which supports local employment?”
He said he was convinced the council had made the order, at a significant cost to the taxpayer, to “appease Middle England” rather than providing a toilet block on the estate at a cost of about £10,000.
Mr Strangeway, who has completed a challenge to sleep on all of Scotland’s 162 islands which are 98.8 acres or larger, said: “I have previously successfully challenged the Highland Council that their no overnight parking signs had no legal basis not only because there was no legal framework to support them but also as overnight cannot be defined.
“My challenge resulted in more than 300 no overnight parking signs being removed.
“As Hambleton council have failed to define overnight I recommended that they remove all signage at the earliest opportunity and revisit the order. In addition, I invite them to advise me how sleeping in a vehicle can be considered anti-social behaviour.
“I am happy to park overnight in the said location with the full knowledge of Hambleton council to allow them to attempt to prosecute me in a court of law.”
In response to Mr Strangeway’s claims, a council spokesman said the council was undertaking nightly patrols to talk to drivers and issue information leaflets in the area.
He added: “It is hoped that drivers will use the nearby purpose-built lorry parks.
“The implementation of the order will be monitored and reviewed in six months time so that the council can determine what impact this has had on the community, businesses and the drivers.”
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