£9,500 raised to support meals on wheels service in memory of Bedale woman

From left, Diane Hosking, Christine Burton, John Noone, Ross Elsworth, Martin Elsworth, and Martyn Coombs.

A total of £9,500 has been raised to support Bedale Community Meals On Wheels Service in memory of a woman who worked tirelessly for the town’s elderly.

The organisation was one close to the heart of Pauline Elsworth, who passed away in September 2023 aged 66 years.

A fundraising school dinner and disco was organised at the Bedale Sports Club and Community Centre on Friday, May 10, by her son Ross and his wife Angela, husband Martin and friend Martyn Coombs.

Attended by 81 guests dressed in their old school uniforms, headmaster Ross resplendent in his motor board and gown, presided over the school dinner of mince and dumplings, carrots, peas and chips followed by jelly and ice cream.

The raffle prizes and auction lots included a two-night stay with three-course meal at the Feathered Nest in Harmby donated by Andrew and Claire Partridge which raised £1,400, an authentic Lionel Messi football shirt that went for £850, and a signed Newcastle United shirt which fetched £500.

The auction and raffle also included a Manchester United signed ball, signed items from England cricketers Joe Root and Ben Stokes, a signed drum skin by the Kaiser Chiefs and two one-week hot tub hires from Bedale Bubbles.

A number of local organisations and individuals also made some very kind cash donations.

Ross thanked BASA for providing the facility free of charge and volunteer bar staff, Mark Cockburn of Cockburn’s Butchers for providing the prime minced meat, Stephen Hall of Halls Fish and Chips for providing the chips, Froneri for providing the ice cream, Jess Coombs and Valeo Confectionary for proving the tuck shop sweets all free of charge.

He also thanked Bedale High School for the use of the gastronomes, Diane Hosking and her staff community meals on wheels staff for cooking and serving the meal.

Martin Elsworth said: “Pauline would have been so proud of what we have achieved with the charity event in her memory and I can’t thank everyone who made the whole thing possible, enough.

“It was such an amazing and fun evening.”

Ross said: “When Martyn Coombs and I sat down to sow the seed for a possible fund-raising event in memory of my mum, we thought a small charity event could raise a modest sum and we have both been amazed at how the whole thing snowballed.

“I cannot thank everyone who donated food, raffle and auction prizes and their time free of charge enough. Without that support, this event would not have been possible.”

John Noone, chairman of the Bedale Community Meals on Wheels, said: “We originally thought a £2,000 target would make such a difference to the service we provide to Bedale and the community, so to get £9,500 is beyond our wildest dreams. We are currently under pressure to increase the £5 per two-course meal we provide three times a week because our costs continue to rise, so this windfall will help us keep the price we charge as low as possible, for as long as possible.

“On behalf of the Community Meals on Wheels service, I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone involved. This huge boost to the finances will make all the difference going forward.”

The service provides hot meals three times a week to those in need.

It is a voluntary organisation of committed locals who organise, cook and deliver meals on a not-for-profit basis and can be contacted at bedalemeals@gmail.com or call 07731 893460.

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