Around 30 firefighters were called out to tackle a field fire at Sutton Bank last night.
Crews were called to the incident at Gormire Lake at around 6pm on Saturday.
They arrived to find a quantity of bracken smouldering and the fire being “very deep seated”.
Crews from Richmond, Malton, Boroughbridge and Thirsk initially attended.
The incident later went to six appliances, with both Northallerton appliances arriving.
Crews had to walk around 700 metres from the car park to the fire, which was about half way down the bank.
A spokesperson for Richmond fire station said: “In very arduous conditions, crews using wildfire tools, axes and knapsack sprayers to make a fire break to try and contain the fire.
“Unfortunately, due to fading light and with crews safety the priority, the decision was to stop firefighting and to return in the morning.”
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